Starting off in a Direct Sales biz can be a little bit intimidating especially if you've never really had to sell yourself before. Getting started is the easy part - you sign up, get your kit, and start to get excited! But what can you do if you're so new you don't know what to do?
I started out with Origami Owl because I love the jewelry - and that is about all I knew about the brand! I made it a point to educate myself and use the resources provided (both my mentor and my Back Office) to become the best representation of my new business.
Here are three simple steps to set the foundation for success in your social selling endeavor:
Know your product
The biggest tip for those just starting out with the company of their dreams is to know your product. I can't count how many times I've been in Origami Owl Faceobok groups where members comment "what is that?" "What is that supposed to be?" "Where do I find this at?" "Do we have something like this?" While it is ok to be new and unfamiliar, take the time to familiarize yourself with your products. What variations are there? Where can you find these variations? Familiarize yourself with product lines, catalogs, your own back office suite, etc. Be knowledgeable. You are now the expert on the product you sell.....even if you still have questions. Use your upline as a resource but start to understand where to find answers quickly and build your own knowledge bank.
Be confident
As I mentioned are now the expert on the product you are selling. Anyone who is interested will now come to you for answers. Be focused on providing the most correct answer you can based on your knowledge of your product, taking the time to verify information if needed. If you start to build a bank of knowledge and train yourself on where to find the answers you'll waste less of your time and be able to easily answer questions.
Additionally, your confidence is key to your reliability. 'Fake it 'til you make it' is a good way to look at it. If you act like you have all the answers, then provide the answers (no one knows that you just did a little research) then you'll prove you're knowledgeable and reliable. You'll be that customer's go-to for your product!
Be unique
There are hundreds if not thousands of reps like you. Do your best to set yourself a part from the other reps in your company by focusing on your own voice. Create your own images. Share your own experiences. Be the friend someone needs, not the sales person they don't.
Sharing your unique story and the unique way the product fits into your lifestyle will inspire others who identify with you and who trust you. It will also build trust between you and any strangers that may encounter you with your product online, at a home party, or at a show.
It is scary doing something you've never done before. I will tell you what, I am 100% a believer in the fake it 'til you make it mentality. I act like I've been doing certain things forever - blogging, Origami Owl, etc - because it helps with my confidence! Starting out by acting as if you're the expert means that you have the confidence to find the answers. No one will know otherwise!
xoxo, Moe